Email Oversight Data Hygiene Screenshot

Email Oversight Data Hygiene Screenshot

DataMCP would like to welcome Email Oversight to our list of Integrated Email Validation partners. You can now scrub data using their service, with the push of a button – And there are NO additional costs to scrub using any of our Integrated Hygiene services, Email Oversight, Sift Logic and Impressionwise.

  • Automate your scrubs to run nightly on your live feeds.
  • Simple storage and access to Hygiene results for download/export to your other platforms.
  • Customize scrub intensity – Set the threshold for what stays and what goes.
  • Reduce unwanted scrub duplication/costs with better result tracking.
  • Target specific domains within lists to clean only what you need.

Just a note that we are not responsible for the hygiene process, or any fees related to scrubbing – and you must already have an account with the integrated hygiene provider(s) you intend to use.

View more of our Data MCP features here. You can also contact us with questions.